Monday 4 January 2016

Music Video- assignment

Music video assignment 1!
What is the purpose of Music videos?

  • A purpose of a music video is to pay your fans back for listening to your music.
  • Also a music video is a great time to be creative and try new things. This is great if you are just starting out on making music videos because you can try new things and you can see if they work or not. This will help in the future because you will be able to finish the music video a lot quicker and then you will most likely get more money for it.
    • You also do it to try and keep a reputation. For example if you make a video and it has something in it that might stand out or looks good then you will get a good reputation.
    • They also do it because they want to promote the film maker. So for example if you make a good video and a lot of people see it and like then you would get more people wanting help from you or even making them a music video.
    • The purpose of a lot of music videos is to make money and when you make money on a music video it means that your project might be a lot better because you can buy more equipment to make better videos which will then result in you getting more attention and more money,etc.  
    • A lot of celebrity's also use music videos to promote merchandise or other products so they can get even more money. For example in Miley Cyrus' music video 'We Can't Stop' she promotes a beats pill and that video got over 600 million views which means all the people who watched that might like Miley and want to be like her so they will then go and buy the beats pill.


Synergy is a big part when making music videos because it helps both sides of media get profit. For example Fall Out Boy teamed up with the production team of  Big Hero 6 and there song was included in one of the scenes. This way a lot of people discovered the band and it actually helped increase the bands album sales because people wanted to have the song from 'Big Hero 6'. Also there fans helped the 'Big Hero 6' production get a lot of money because they wanted to hear there favourite band play in a movie. They made $58 million all together which means it actually surpassed Frozen and actually became the highest grossing animated release form Disney or Pixar.  A lot of fans would go back to see the movie to just because there favourite band is singing in it. That's probably why the production got a lot of money from the cinema sales. But if the song was featured in the movies advert on the TV, other cinema adverts,etc. Both sides of the media would gain more profit because more people might have seen that and then went to look at the music but not see the movie. But Fall Out Boy also made a music video which was just showing a record player from different angles and the record was a character from the movie 'baymax'. This would have then encouraged there fans to go and watch/ buy tickets to see the new movie.

Extension of income-

Music videos actually help an artist's extension of income. For example when One Direction first become famous when they made a video called 'What Makes You Beautiful'. This video made the boys go viral around the world and this was all thanks to YouTube. YouTube helps a lot of things go viral and one of them is music videos. When people seen this music video people then listened to there album. A lot of those people became fans and then when the boys brought out merchandise, a movie (DVD), perfume, album, ect the fans then bought everything which then lead to the boys earning millions of pounds. When people have seen the video they might have became interested in there music which means people then wanted to buy their album and because the video went viral people around the world wanted to buy their album(s). But they would also promote there albums and merchandise in arenas when they started there first tour and because of all of the promotion and merchandise/album sales this lead to them to be able to play in big stadiums. Also when One Direction are being recognised around the world it gives them a bigger profile and that helped them to be able to perform in huge stadiums and this was because they keep selling out little arenas like for example Metro Radio Arena. The boys have played in stadiums across the world and almost all of them sold out and that's because people have seen there music and became fans. One Direction have also brought out 3 perfumes and that is called product placement. They have advertised it on TV and in the cinema. When you went to see their movie in the cinema (This Is Us) their perfume advert would come up beforehand and they advertised it at their concerts. When you are waiting for the boys to come on they would put up the advertisement on the big screens. A lot of the perfumes sold out around the world and this is most likely because of the advertisements.

Extension of outlets-

Extension of outlets also helps artists grow in the music industry. Just like I said before One Direction released their song 'what makes you beautiful' on YouTube first and it went viral across the world. People would have watched it on their phones, iPad, iPods, computers, ect and because people have watched it on YouTube they might have shared it which then exposes the boys to more people and then maybe getting more fans. The video was then later put onto VEVO which is an app that where music videos are put onto and that's where a lot of music video views are monitored and if they get a lot of views then they go on the music charts which means even more people will see their music. Most artists have music accounts on YouTube so people can subscribe to it and when they upload a video the subscribers will see it and get the band even more views.

Producer Strategies-

They're different types of producers. They're independent producers which only pick certain artists for example if they only like indie music they will only take on indie artists. Also one of the biggest record labels is 'Modest!' (they are One Directions management) and they helped One Direction branch out and become even more famous they help them promote everything and get the places to perform,ect. Simon Cowell is one of the people who works with the 'Modest!' team so most of the people who come from X Factor ( like One Direction) usually get to work with labels but not ones as big as 'Modest!'. Clearly they are a good record label because One Direction have gone from a little band from England to one of the biggest bands in the world.

Styles of music videos-

You can get different styles of music videos. For example you can get animated, live concert, narrative based, artistic clips, parody, ect. Animated music videos are popular with younger generations because younger people are more into cartoon/animated things. Artists usually make music videos to attract the type of audience that they like. For example One Directions music video 'Night Changes' is a narrative music video which means it is following a storyline that will try to connect to the audience and the song. They do this so it fits in with their audience and they edit so it feels more like a movie. Pop and R&B artists do these type of music videos the most. Indie artists usually do more artistic music videos which have a lot of meanings and they create a lot of mood and feeling within the viewer.

Conventions of music videos-

One of the main things in music videos is for it to have a simple narrative because if the video gets to complicated the audience will become uninterested. Also upbeat songs most of the time have a brighter music videos whereas slow, heavy music videos are a lot darker or colourless (black and white). Also in emotional shots they usually do close ups or longs shots on the main character to create more tension and it helps to intrigue  the viewer which means they will keep watching the video and maybe watch future videos. A bright and fun music video like One Directions 'Best song ever' got a lot of views and became a lot popular in the summer because it was very up beat ad fun which is what a lot of people prefer to watch in the summer time. But they also made a dark toned, emotional song (you and I) because they wanted to keep all of their fans and viewers happy so they make both type of videos. This also helps them get different types of fans, fans that like bright and happy songs and fans who prefer dark and emotional songs.

Music video techniques-

Music videos cut to the beat most of the time because that keeps a lot of viewers interested and if the viewer likes the video they might share it which leads to more viewers and new fans. In different videos they will do different camera angles and movements to create emotional feelings within the viewer which might be a happy feeling or a sad feeling. It all depends on what type of video you want and the way you shoot it. Most music videos are lip synced and this is because it makes the video look better and more professional. For example One Directions 'Story of my life' they sing slow in it so when they shot the music video they had to speed up the music and the boys had to lip sync fast with it so when they put the audio with the video and slow it down, the music video came across as though the boys where singing naturally and professionally. This is how they make a lot of music videos look professional. Some artists choose to put effects in their videos but that does not work for every artist because their audience might not like it which means they will not watch the video and help promote it for their artist. But in One Directions 'Perfect' music video they use a projector to project a picture of clouds/fogged smoke over Harry to try and express/show the emotion of the song.

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