Monday 23 May 2016

Live Client Brief (Omega Ned)

I started off with a blank page and i added an Omega sign because Omega Ned likes the omega sign so i thought it would look great on his cover.

Then i copied a Shrek photo from the internet onto the omega sign because Omega Ned also likes Shrek.
After that i photoshopped Shrek's face off the ears and i added the ears onto the top of the Omega sign. But when i added them to the top of the Omega sign i had to blend it in to make it look more 'natural'.

After that i went onto the internet and found a website that converts your titles into Shrek writing. So i got 'Omega Ned' and i put it into the converter and i added it to the bottom of my sign.

 When i made the CD cover i just used the cover photo but instead of the title being at the bottom i put it at the top because i personally thought it looked better and it would then look slightly different to the cover.

I took the Omega Ned sign from the cover of the CD and i want to put it on the t-shirt because many artists actually use the CD cover on their shirts. This is because fans usually recognize the artist album work before anything else so they will want to buy the shirt.

If I was to make these again I would probably add more things to it for example I would add walruses (because he loves walruses) and I would add more things that relate to Ned Flanders (from the Simpsons). I would add these things because they relate to him and he enjoys these things and if people see these in the CD case or on the cover it will show that he is a fun personality and people enjoy when they can see a personality through someone's work because they feel like they know that person on a personal level and it will encourage them to buy more produce they create.

I struggled a lot when making all of these because I could not think of what to put on the cover of the CD case, etc. But I do believe that it met the needs of the target audience because Omega Ned likes to relate to the younger generation and I put Shrek ears onto the Omega Ned logo because I feel like his audience will know what the ears are from and will feel a sense of nostalgia towards the logo which will encourage them to listen to more of his music,etc.

I was not the best with time management because for the first few lessons I did not know what i wanted to put on the logo. But when i figured out what I wanted put as the logo I made it quite quickly. However I did not find it easy making the logo and I needed some help.

Overall I think the project went a lot better than expected because at first I didn't know what to do but as soon as i figured out what I was doing I got it done quite quickly. I think I could have made the logo a lot better as I have said previously but I think it looks good and simple and there is not too much on the cover.

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