Thursday 30 June 2016

Employment opportunities and job roles in the media sector

Job roles in the media sector

They are a bunch of different jobs in the media sector and they are all different. There is one called freelance this means that someone works for themselves and will find their own jobs. For example if someone made there own short films they would find people who wanted a short film making like for wedding. This can be a good job because you can travel and get lots of experience and you're your own boss. However you might not get a lot of jobs and some parts of the year might be more popular than the other. For example you might go and do a lot of films in the summer or winter because they're popular times of year but you might not get many in spring because that's not as popular and people might not want films for around that time. Also time management is important for the film industry because if you do not show up on time or keep everything on track things can get out of hand and you can get confused which will lead you into falling behind schedule.

Bethany Rose Rowland
2 Sandwell Avenue Priestfields  
07914 115057

Personal Profile-
I'm a very hardworking, polite, use my own initiative, good listener and I can work both on my own and in a team. Throughout school I did not take media but I did use to make short films and videos just as hobbie which helped me learn a lot of skills before I came to college. I have now taken a media course in college in which I have learned more new skills and learned about job roles in the media sector which will help me determine what specific job I would like in that industry.

Work Experience-
My work experience was at Middlesbrough Football Club and this helped me learn many skills that can help me in the media sector. Its helped me with life skills like working in a team, talking confidently and how to be organised. 

English Literature         C
English Language         C
History                          E
French                           C
Textiles                         D
Religious Education     C
Science                         P2
Maths                            F

In my maths I did get a bad grade but since I have come to college I have passed my entry 3 maths and level 1 maths. I was only expected to pass entry 3 but I got moved up to level 1 and passed that within year which shows determination.  

This is a link to all the work I have done so far this year-
Yours sincerely
Bethany Rowland

Dear Sir/Madam

In response to your advertisement on Euspert, I would appreciate if you would look at my CV and consider me for the role of a runner.

As you can see by my CV I can work really well in teams and on my own. I also have a lot of determination which I think is very important in this industry. I believe I am right for this job because I am always prepared for any tasks you give me and  will always try my best.

I believe that I will go far in the media sector and I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Bethany Rowland



Regulation in the creative media sector


Media needs to be regulated so then young people do not see anything they are not meant to see. For example something could be very inappropriate or gory for the young child and it would not be appropriate to see that. So when you regulate something it might belong on a different channel or  put on at a different time.

BBFC- This is the Uks regulator for film and videos they check the videos and films before they release them so then they can give the creators the correct age range to put on the video/film so no one underage will see them because that would be inappropriate. For example they banned the human centipede 2 from shops because it was to violant and gory.

Ofcom-  This is another regulator but they regulate communication services, video and TV.  Many shows have been regulated by Ofcom but one of the most commonly known ones is when Jeremy Clarkson says an inappropriate word ('slope') when an Asian man walks across a bridge. This sparked racist backlash towards the Top Gear show and this caused Ofcom to get involved. Also Ofcom is operated under the communications act 2003.

I personally think we need regulation because I don't think children should be exposed to inappropriate, bad,gory  shows or films at such a young age. Things like that can scar them for life and might even effect them mentally which can effect their futures. 

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Music Video Production

Music Video

It took me a while to think of an idea for my music video. I originally planned to do a music video to a song by Twenty One Pilots. It was called 'Stressed Out'. I made a storyboard and I had it all planned out but the plan fell through at last minute so I had to think of a different plan and quickly. The new song I chose was 'Pity Party' by Melanie Martinez. This song is set around this character that Melanie had created based off past life experiences and the character is called 'Cry Baby'. The song is about how nobody turned up to 'Cry Baby's' birthday party and her crush didn't turn up either. This makes her angry and want to destroy everything.

When researching about Melanie I've realised that she has a theme of having weird/quirky videos that are very rare to find and she is a big fan of classical things like toys and clothes. She also loves pastel colours too. When I was making this video I know that I had to stick with the quirkiness that Melanie likes so then her fans would enjoy the video too. I also made sure I stuck with her style as well.

Pre Production-
In the pre production I did a small, quick storyboard so then I didn't get confused when filming and so then I knew what kind of shots I was going to take. I also had to make sure what props I needed to buy.
I needed:
  • Banners
  • A cake
  • Silly string
  • Donuts
  • Party poppers
  • balloons
  • knife
I also needed to find an actress to be in the music video so I used my cousin Gabriella. I used a younger actress because 'Cry Baby' seems to fit a younger persons feelings and the way they act. Also from watching other videos that Melanie has created I have noticed that she doesn't really use any older actors/actresses so I thought Gabriella would be perfect for the role. I decided that in the video Gabriella was going to be getting ready and setting up a party but when she notices that no one is coming she freaks out, goes crazy and gets angry. All of this is going to be shot in my house because it was very last minute and I couldn't find or think of anywhere else to film. Plus it fit the video well because the character was having a house birthday party so why not have it in my house.

The night before I made sure I had everything ready. I made sure the battery's where charged for my camera (Canon EOS 750D), the props where ready, that the dress Gabriella was going to put on was ready and that the settings on the camera where all correct.

I got up around 9am so then I could start filming. I started this early because I wasn't 100% sure what time I would be finishing so I needed to make sure that I would be able to shoot everything before I lose the natural day light because I had no lights or anything for when I was filming. I filmed the knife scene last because if she injured herself we wouldn't have been able to continue filming so I made sure I filmed that last just in case something bad was to happen (nothing did). In some of the shots you can see her throwing things like party poppers and balloons so when we shot this she had o make sure she didn't hit the camera other wise she could damage it. So when she was throwing everything I was telling her to aim just past my body or just over my head this way it still gives the illusion that she is aiming to hurt someone/something and you feel more involved with the video.

Post production-
When I finished filming I uploaded everything to premier pro. In some parts of the editing I noticed that I kept struggling because I needed to do some quick cuts so then the music video will go to the beat and it will keep the audience' attention. Also when I was putting some of the clips together the lip syncing didn't match the song so I had to put different content in the lip syncing place. Eventually I finished editing and I exported the video in media to Vimeo 1080p because I noticed that the file size was originally too big for Vimeo.

Final Product-
Overall I noticed that I need to have better time management and I need to make sure that I have a back up plan just in case the first plan goes wrong.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Evaluating Audience Responses (Kevin's assignment)

Evaluating Audience Responses

What is you own personal response to the animation you have been produced?

I think that the animation could have went a lot better. For example I think I should have done the time-lapse in a popular place so then you can clearly see the time-lapse happening. In my time lapse you can only see the sky line change slightly and a few people walk past. I just feel that it should be more entertaining/ exciting. Also I think I should have done better editing because I don't really like the cliche music. 

These are my results:

I got a 22 on the quality of my animation which I think is good. Sound only got 18 which is understandable because I know the music was not the best and was boring. Editing was 16 which is also understandable because I know I could have edited the time-lapse better because the opening was very basic and nothing original. The storyline got 25 which I'm happy about however i do think i could have shot the time-lapse in a better place so the story would have been better. For example I could have filmed the sun setting or cars going past on a main road. But I thought I would film it from my front window to see how many people go past during the day. 

In my animation I was trying to see how many people go past my house in a few hours. However when I tried to film the time-lapse their was not many people around so you only see a couple of people. I was originally meant to make a small animation with clay but I didn't have the patience to make the clay into the characters I wanted. But i tried. I also bought the box for the set, magazines for my background or for extra props and I got materials for the 'characters'. Plus I got tools for the clay too. Every time I tried to add parts to the characters another part would fall off so I chose to do a time lapse instead. However when I chose to do the time lapse it was at last minute so it didn't go as nicely as I wanted it to. 

I originally wanted to make a small animation that would be inspired my little mix's song 'Love me like you' but i couldn't make the characters. However I did buy everything you need to make the animation happen for example I bought a box (for the set), clay (for the characters),materials (for the characters outfits), tools, magazines for the 'set' and a bunch of other things. However the planning for my time lapse was to see how many people go past my house in a few hours. 

I did start making the characters but then I got frustrated and stopped because I couldn't do it. So I used a extension cable box as a tripod for in the window. This is also when i chose where i was going to get the best footage. 

In the production I was originally going to bring my models/characters and everything in with the set and do the animation in class with the webcam from college. But I chose to do the time lapse with my iPhone 6s camera and I propped the iPhone up against the extension box and filmed out of the window. 

Post Production- 
I used iMovie to edit the video. Which could have gone a lot better. I used 'Happy Instrumental' for my music which wasn't the best because it was nothing special or exciting. Then I added a title to my 30 second film which is called 'My Time Lapse', I added the time lapse after that and then put some credits at the end. 

Some people said that the music could have been better which I agree with because its nothing exciting or something that will make you want to listen to it again. So I know that next time I should find some better music but I was originally going to use the instrumental from 'cake by the ocean' but it didn't fit well with my footage and it wouldn't download properly and that's why I ended up with this music. A number of people did not like the title at the beginning which I also agree with because I find it a little immature because it doesn't really fit the time lapse well and it reminded me of a 2012 youtube video which I don't like. But to my surprise people enjoyed the storyline which means overall they enjoyed the short film but they where not a big fan of the title and music. What I learnt from this is that I need to choose better music that works well with the time lapse/ what ever storyline I choose next time. I also need to use a more appropriate title so then it doesn't look childish with the time lapse and choose one thats eye catching so then more people will want to watch the video. The information I got back helped me a lot and I know what I need to do better next time.