Thursday 30 June 2016

Regulation in the creative media sector


Media needs to be regulated so then young people do not see anything they are not meant to see. For example something could be very inappropriate or gory for the young child and it would not be appropriate to see that. So when you regulate something it might belong on a different channel or  put on at a different time.

BBFC- This is the Uks regulator for film and videos they check the videos and films before they release them so then they can give the creators the correct age range to put on the video/film so no one underage will see them because that would be inappropriate. For example they banned the human centipede 2 from shops because it was to violant and gory.

Ofcom-  This is another regulator but they regulate communication services, video and TV.  Many shows have been regulated by Ofcom but one of the most commonly known ones is when Jeremy Clarkson says an inappropriate word ('slope') when an Asian man walks across a bridge. This sparked racist backlash towards the Top Gear show and this caused Ofcom to get involved. Also Ofcom is operated under the communications act 2003.

I personally think we need regulation because I don't think children should be exposed to inappropriate, bad,gory  shows or films at such a young age. Things like that can scar them for life and might even effect them mentally which can effect their futures. 

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